It’s the morning we are going to leave. For France for Along the Walk. Along the leaving for France we think of posting something at Ops! site. It feels right. This something needs to be a detail from Ops! history and maybe even the future. Who knows. And we search for an information on the web for Ops!.
We stumble upon an entry
We are leaving for France with a car. First with the van to the rent-a-car service to leave there Maja to rent a car. Meanwhile Gregor will drive a van to a car service to repair the van and then meet with Maja and Alenka at Alenka’s place, to finally leave for France. A choreography.
We observe the noticed: the wish for an artistic archive of Ops! zavod Ljubljana events, the morning of leaving places and things and people. We stumble upon idea of reading all that has been written. Treat reading as a choreography, as a dance.
Which is connected to pondering about the arching of the performance or choreography as something that leaves traces of affects in the bodies and relations.
Reading the archive is a way we started already with Ops! Cafe at Mast (Jambor), that is a cafe as part of Event ;Museum. And we will propose next time to read the archive in a performative way.